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Table 3 The guiding principles of the entrepreneurial action

From: Sustainability and CSR orientation through “Edutainment” in tourism

The centrality of the visitor

“We listen to the needs of our visitors to improve the quality of their visit experience over time”.

Commitment to the welfare of animals and the natural environment

“We contribute to directly and indirectly promoting and preserving the welfare of animals and safeguarding of natural global environment”.

Collaboration and valorization of people

“We create a collaborative-based organizational climate and external environment based on the valorization of people”.

Attention to profit as a tool for a responsible growth

“We believe that profit is an essential factor for the company’s development, not only in the interest of shareholders but also as an instrument to support the Company’s responsibility towards the territory in which it operates”.

Support to the territories where we are present

“We have always collaborated with national and international Public Administrations as well as the local and territorial system of public and private organizations”.

Focus on scientific research

“We deepen and update our scientific and cultural expertise in the areas where we operate and are recognized as a national excellence”.

Fairness in dealing with suppliers

“We treat suppliers as partners on a shared path”.

  1. Source: our elaboration from Costa Edutainment Integrated Report (2016): 19