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Table 2 Factor analysis of the investigated dimensions

From: Green DIY store choice among socially responsible consumer generations

Construct (References)




Education on environmental protection and social responsibility (EEP) (Antil and Bennett, 1979; Antil, 1984)

I get angry when I think about the ways in which industry pollutes the environment.


EV: 3.24; % of var.: 31.2

Schools should require that all students attend a course on social responsibility, environmental and nature conservation issues.


I am willing not to buy any more products from retailers that are guilty of environmental pollution and are not social responsible.


I become angry when thinking about the negative impact of pollution on plants and animals.


I am willing to make sacrifices to reduce environmental pollution even if the immediate results do not appear significant.


People should limit the use of products obtained from scarce resources.


Penchant for rational use of resources (PRUR) (Antil and Bennett, 1979; Antil, 1984)

Our efforts to save the limited, exhausted resources are not enough.


EV: 2.12; % of var.: 26.4

Producers are not sufficiently encouraged to use recyclable packaging.


Pollution is now one of the most sensitive issues of our nation.


Natural resources must be preserved even at the cost of giving up some goods or services.


People should be concerned about the impact of their articles on the environment.


Sacrifice for the sake of environmental protection (SPE) (Antil and Bennett, 1979)

I agree to have my taxes increased by 5% if this enables a more rigorous control of pollution by the government.


EV: 1.95; % of var.: 23.7

I am willing to increase my total family expenses by 100 EURO next year in order to support the rational use of natural resources.


I would be willing to donate my salary for a full day to a foundation in order to help improve the environment.


Social responsibility measures (SRM) (Antil, 1984)

Producers should be compelled to use recycled materials during production and/or processing.


EV: 1.21; % of var.: 18.7

I would accept my stuff being less white or elegant to make sure I have used a non-polluting detergent.


People should persuade their friends not to use products that pollute or are not socially responsible.


Store Choice (SC) (Nasir and Karakaya, 2014)

I intend to buy “green” DIY articles in the next three months.


EV: 1.18; % of var.: 15.4

I will recommend “green” DIY stores to my friends and relatives.


I will buy more “green” DIY articles in the future.


In the near future I will try out other types of “green” DIY articles which I have not bought before.


If the needed “green” DIY articles are not available in the store, I will look for them in other stores even if these are far away.


  1. Obs.: EV: Eigenvalues for each factor; % of variance: percent of variance for each factor; Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization. Rotation converged in 12 iterations
  2. Source: own research