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Table 3 Brand Potential Index (BPI) Elements and Questionnaire Items

From: New corporate social responsibility brand evaluation in a developing country: Uzbekistan

Brand Potential Index Elements


Questionnaire Itemsa



Degree to which the brand concept is perceived as new, fresh, and unique

This bottled water idea is unique


Rating of quality perception of brand

This bottled water seems to be of a good quality


Assesses the potential popularity and whether the product will be attractive in current market

This bottled water will become popular



Degree of relevance of brand positioning

This bottled water idea is aligned with my values and beliefs


Degree of consumer brand trust and credibility

I trust this bottled water idea


Extent to which it will be possible to build a strong brand-consumer relationship

If a person would have characteristics of this water, I would be friends with him/her


Level of sympathy to the brand

It is worth loving this water brand

Action Oriented

Willingness to recommend

Level of perceived benefit (functional and emotional) and how likely the brand will be recommended

I would recommend this bottled water

Acceptance of premium prices

Degree of acceptance of price, which is higher than the market average (i.e., worth paying more)

It is worth paying more for this water

Purchase Intention

Level of purchase intention

If this bottled water is available, I would buy it

  1. aConsumers responded on a Likert scale: (1) Strongly disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Neither agree nor disagree, (4) Agree, (5) Strongly agree